About Us

We are CodeGlass, an ambitious startup company based in the Netherlands to make the best next-generation profilers and tooling available to and for everyone.

We are currently exceeding on many fronts with the current version of CodeGlass; however, many are still on its roadmap that we will make with your support.

Our Vision.

Creating the best solution together with you while operating fully transparent, without marketing trickery, make it available to and for everyone, or die trying.

Open Source promise

CodeGlass is not open-source. However, suppose it would ever happen that there is nobody to support CodeGlass anymore. In that case, we will make its source code available to everyone for free, so someone else can learn from it, and you do not have to worry about not being able to use it anymore.

Support and Contact

If you are searching for support please check out the troubleshooting page.

For contact check out the contact page.